Teeth Cleaning Benefits
Tooth loss occurs as a result of not performing oral care regularly, and the biggest reason for these is dental calculus. During the cleaning of the tartar, the tooth enamel is not damaged.
During cleaning, all diseased tissues and plaques are removed from the mouth.
Thanks to the cleaning of calculus, the gums gain a healthy appearance.
– Have pinkish, not loose and firm gums.
– Tooth wobbles and displacements are prevented, teeth become whiter and stronger.
– Inflammation and tooth loss are prevented.
– Bleeding in the gums is eliminated.
– Gingival recession, which is very difficult to treat, is prevented.
– The irritating mouth odors caused by the formation of dense dental calculus are eliminated.
For healthy gums, calculus cleaning should be done every 6 months. After the scaling is cleaned, dental floss, dental shower and dental care should be done regularly every day. Otherwise, tartar formation will accelerate and an unhealthy environment will be created in the mouth. As a result, severe toothache and tooth loss will occur.
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