What is gingivitis?
If the teeth are not brushed regularly and oral hygiene is not provided, there will be microbial dental plaque accumulation on the teeth. Plaque is a sticky layer containing bacteria that forms on the tooth surface and between the teeth.
What is periodontitis?
Generally, in all cases, periodontitis begins with gingivitis. If oral hygiene is not provided by performing the necessary treatment, gingivitis progresses and turns into periodontitis.
Plaque and tartar accumulated on the tooth surface and not cleaned cause inflammation in the gums over time.
Gum recession and subsequent bone destruction occurs. This is called Periodontitis. Bone loss in the tooth means that the supporting tissues of the tooth are reduced. If this bone loss is not controlled, the tooth may be lost.
Symptoms of periodontitis are:
° Increase in pocket depth due to bone loss and swelling in the gums. ° Redness of the gums, bleeding during probing or brushing.
° Decrease in the level of bone surrounding the tooth, that is, bone destruction.
° A distinctive bad breath.
° Pain in teeth and gums.
Uncontrolled periodontal diseases are one of the most important causes of tooth loss in the adult population!
Inflamed Gum
Due to edema, it has a shiny surface and swollen, and its border with the tooth is irregular. It can be a constant pain. Bleeding occurs while brushing, eating and probing. This inflammation in the gums also causes an unpleasant odor.
Causes of Gum Inflammation
° Microbial dental plaque and tartar accumulation
° The lack of maintenance of the oral care, the lack of proper oral hygiene.
° Deficient in some vitamins
° Inability to provide oral care due to physical ailments
° Some autoimmune disorders
Causes of Gum Recession
° Advanced gingivitis
° Gingival and plaque accumulation
° Incorrectly brushing teeth by applying excessive and wrong force
° Incorrectly made fillings and crowns
General Symptoms of Gum Inflammation
° Bleeding in the gums spontaneously, by probing or while brushing teeth
° Redness of the gums
° Loss of orange peel appearance in healthy gums due to swelling in the gums
° Mild pain or discomfort in teeth and gums
° gingival recession
° Bad breath
Degrees of Gingival Inflammation
1-Gingivitis: Redness of the gums, deterioration of the orange peel appearance, formation of an edematous bright appearance, bleeding after brushing or probing.
2-Periodontitis (Early Period): Redness, swelling, mild pain in the gums, spontaneous or bleeding while brushing, mild bad breath. These patients have a significant calculus and plaque accumulation.
3-Periodontitis (Advanced Period): There are redness of the gums, swelling, severe bleeding when brushing, pain, unpleasant halitosis, recession in the gums and bone loss. In these patients, there is an intense accumulation of calculus. In addition, slight wobble is seen in the teeth due to bone loss.
4-Periodontitis(Advanced Period): A purplish-red discoloration of the gums, bleeding spontaneously or with brushing, abscesses and severe bad breath, recession in the gums, serious bone loss. These patients have an intense calculus accumulation; also, teeth are mobile and may need to be extracted due to excessive destruction of bone.
Treatment of Gingival Inflammation
° Relief of the gums by draining the inflammation in the gums
° Complete cleaning of superficial calculus
° Complete removal of deep calculus and subgingival curettage
° Oral hygiene training and teaching correct tooth brushing methods
° The use of vitamins and antibiotics in advanced cases
° Surgical removal of the inflamed parts of the gums (gingivectomy, papillectomy)
° Attempting to replace the lost bone tissue by surgically applying biomaterial or membrane to the areas where there is bone loss
° Attempting to correct the areas with gingival recession with surgical procedures such as flap operation
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