Why should it be removed?
It is a common problem that a partially erupted wisdom tooth causes infection and crowding in the surrounding teeth. In more advanced cases, the capsule surrounding the impacted tooth may turn into a cystic formation and dissolve the jawbone.
At this stage, in untreated cases, tumoral formations originating from the cyst and requiring more complicated surgical procedures can be observed.
The infected tooth is drilled and has its pulp removed, only to be replaced with an inert substance. Afterwards, a crown is placed atop the tooth to save it. In the past, a root canal was infamous for its painfulness. However, modern endodontic therapy of the root canal is nothing like the old days. It’s much more efficient and less painful than before.
Should undisturbed wisdom teeth be removed as well?
It is unpredictable whether an impacted wisdom tooth will cause problems. Wisdom teeth are the teeth that cause the most problems. It can cause a cyst or inflammation, especially when it is fully or partially impacted, and it can push the other teeth forward, causing curvature and distortion in the teeth.
Usually, we dentists who deal with maxillofacial surgery compare wisdom teeth to “time bombs”. It can be silent for a long time and suddenly cause one percent swelling, locking of the jaws, or complaining of severe pain. For this reason, these types of teeth should be checked and extracted if necessary. Extraction of these teeth is performed with a minor surgery.
However, when a problem occurs, the treatment may be more painful and more complicated than unproblematic teeth. The most common diseases caused by the infection of the impacted wisdom tooth are pain, swelling in the corner of the jaw, limitation of mouth opening and difficulty in swallowing.
Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth usually begin to take their place in the mouth between the ages of 15-20. However, in cases where there is not enough space for these teeth in the jaws, they cannot erupt and remain buried under the gingiva or in the jawbone.
Piezo Surgery
Piezo Surgery; It was developed to complement and in some cases replace traditional methods for Oral Surgery, implantology and maxillofacial surgery. Piezo electricity is a new technique that enables safe and effective osteotomies using ultrasonic vibrations.
Periodontal Surgery, Osteotomy, Osteoplasty and autogenous graft removal, Implantology, Alveolar ridge separation, Sinus-lift, Surgery, Tooth extraction, root separation are just some of the options. Piezon Surgery offers a safe operation with its two-way movement, whose vibration can be adjusted, which does not harm the soft tissues during bone surgery.
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